Celebrations Theatrical Group

Giving people with learning difficulties the opportunity to take part in original music and theatrical productions

Photo taken at the 2006 performance of ‘London Town is our Town’

Celebrations Theatrical Group, called Celebrations for short, is a group based in the London Borough of Bexley that was formed in 1999 to give people with learning difficulties the opportunity to get together to make and enjoy music. Celebrations performs original and varied musical and theatrical shows, written and directed by members and volunteers, at events and fundraising concerts. Some of the shows that have been performed in the past include Lonesome Pine, a Country and Western extravaganza, Bobby’s Girl, a musical love story and When the Lights go on Again, a trip down memory lane back to the War. Most recently they have performed Blame it on the Weatherman to a sold out audience. The group encompasses all skills and abilities and aims for people to enjoy and express themselves and to have the opportunity to perform on the live public stage. Anyone with a learning disability that can make the weekly meetings is welcome to join.

Initially all of the shows were held in a local church hall, but since 2003 performances have been held at the Mick Jagger Centre, a beautiful performance centre in Dartford. The group has been very successful and usually attracts a large audience of about 250 people. Celebrations has no paid members and the success of the organisation can be attributed to a management committee made up of dedicated members, helpers, carers and volunteers, as well as the committed and enthusiastic performers.

Celebrations takes pride in being involved in its community and has frequently been invited to take part in community events. On top of putting on at least one large performance each year, Celebrations also sings at various old people homes in the community. Over the past few years they have sung at Carlton Resource Centre and Slade Green Centre. This popular group has also been invited to perform at Tsunami Concert and Borough Transition Day.

Celebrations is a welcoming organisation that is open to enhancing the talents of anyone that is interested in joining and providing a fun environment where participants can enjoy themselves.

Created 25th April 2012

Celebrations Theatrical Group,  a former member group of Attend. For more information, or to join, please click here.