Rising Mercury Society

Providing items to enhance the comfort of Mutual, NHS and private healthcare patients at Benenden Hospital

 The Rising Mercury (RM) Society was set up in 1951 by patients in order to support patients being treated at the Benenden Hospital in Kent. Benenden Hospital is a small hospital that was founded in 1907 with the original purpose of providing treatment for postal workers suffering from tuberculosis. When the frequency of tuberculosis cases began to decrease, the hospital began to expand its range of services. The facility also expanded into providing private healthcare as well as treatment on the NHS and has become one of the longest serving and best respected MUTUAL facilities in the UK. The RM Society takes its name from the original purpose of the hospital; in the days when most of the patients suffered from tuberculosis, the sign of their recovery was mercury rising in a thermometer - hence the name Rising Mercury.

The RM Society holds a number of fundraising activities throughout the year in order to support the patients and the hospital. These include a twice monthly cake, scones, pie, jams, marmalades and chutney stall, a gift stall, weekly tombola runs round the wards, clinics and cafes and a yearly Home Produce stall which is set up in the Hospital reception area . This stall can also be seen at the Hospital Open day which is held every two years.Used stamps are welcome as there is money to be made here The society also welcomes members to help with fundraising activities for the RM Society and the hospital. Current member numbers stand at around 1000 individuals each of whom pay an annual £3.00 subscription fee. The members all receive the newsletter which keeps them up-to-date with the developments in the hospital, and staff as well as their AGM each April. At the most recent AGM the members were informed that the society had once again raised £20,000 through its fundraising efforts.

All of the funds raised by the RM Society are given to the hospital and the hospital staff then decide where the money will be best spent. None of the funds are used to purchase equipment for the hospital however. All of the money is used to enhance the patient’s comfort by providing items which will contribute to their well-being and will make their hospital stay slightly more enjoyable. The RM Society is also playing a key role in the building of the new hospital by making practical suggestions, all holding the patients comfort as the highest priority. The RM Society is dedicated to ensuring that all patients at Benenden Hospital receive their treatment in the best comfort possible.

 Created 8th May 2012. Updated 2021

The Rising Mercury Society benefits from Attend membership, which includes comprehensive charity insurance cover. For more information, or to join, please click here.